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Busing to Opportunity? The Impacts of the METCO Voluntary School Desegregation Program on Urban Students of Color

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New Findings

July 2024

Diverse Paths to College Success: The Impact of Massachusetts’ Urban and Nonurban Charter Schools on College Trajectories

Sarah Cohodes and Astrid Pineda

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Who Benefits from Remote Schooling? Self-Selection and Match Effects

Jesse Bruhn, Christopher Campos, Eric Chyn, and Anh Tran

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Still Worth the Trip? School Busing Effects in Boston and New York

Joshua Angrist, Guthrie Gray-Lobe, Clemence M. Idoux, and Parag A. Pathak

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Overcoming Racial Gaps in School Preferences: The Role of Peer Diversity in School Choice

Viola Corradini and Clémence Idoux

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Health Care

Algorithm as Experiment: Machine Learning, Market Design, and Policy Eligibility Rules

Yusuke Narita and Kohei Yata

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New Findings

Automation and Rent Dissipation: Implications for Wages, Inequality, and Productivity

Daron Acemoglu and Pascual Restrepo

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The Impact of Public School Choice: Evidence from Los Angeles’s Zones of Choice Program

Christopher Campos and Caitlin Kearns

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Health Care

Combining Human Expertise with Artificial Intelligence: Experimental Evidence from Radiology

Nikhil Agarwal, Alex Moehring, Pranav Rajpurkar, and Tobias Salz

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The Unexpected Compression: Competition at Work in the Low Wage Labor Market

David Autor, Arindrajit Dube, and Annie McGrew

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New Findings

Social Interactions, Information, and Preferences for Schools: Experimental Evidence from Los Angeles

Christopher Campos

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New Findings

Heterogeneity and predictors of the effects of AI assistance on radiologists

Feiyang Yu, Alex Moehring, Oishi Banerjee, Tobias Salz, Nikhil Agarwal, Pranav Rajpurkar

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Redesigning the US Army’s Branching Process: A Case Study in Minimalist Market Design

Kyle Greenberg, Parag Pathak, and Tayfun Sönmez

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New Findings

Marginal Returns to Public Universities

Jack Mountjoy

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New Findings

New Frontiers: The Origins and Content of New Work, 1940–2018

David Autor, Caroline Chin, Anna M. Salomons, and Bryan Seegmiller

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New Findings

Race and the Mismeasure of School Quality

Joshua Angrist, Peter Hull, Parag Pathak, and Christopher Walters

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